6 988h
6 680,28 km
90 531 m
-90 899 m
0,96 km/h
137,61 km/h
Flight Time

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00m49s (Flight Time)
00m49s (Flight Time)
00m48s (Flight Time)
00m30s (Flight Time)
51h00m51s (on the Ground)
47h57m21s (on the Ground)
45h04m01s (on the Ground)
37h29m12s (on the Ground)
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12h33m39s (on the Ground)
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12h12m36s (on the Ground)
12h06m05s (on the Ground)
12h01m21s (on the Ground)
11h59m58s (on the Ground)
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11h36m50s (on the Ground)
11h11m05s (on the Ground)
11h09m30s (on the Ground)
11h07m28s (on the Ground)
10h58m43s (on the Ground)
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10h11m45s (on the Ground)
10h04m50s (on the Ground)
09h59m56s (on the Ground)
09h56m26s (on the Ground)
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09h46m03s (on the Ground)
09h39m58s (on the Ground)
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09h19m40s (on the Ground)
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09h06m51s (on the Ground)
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08h58m18s (on the Ground)
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08h39m57s (on the Ground)
08h39m49s (on the Ground)
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08h28m56s (on the Ground)
08h22m27s (on the Ground)
08h20m09s (on the Ground)
08h18m25s (on the Ground)
08h14m22s (on the Ground)
08h09m23s (on the Ground)
08h09m08s (on the Ground)
08h05m26s (on the Ground)
08h04m19s (on the Ground)
08h03m11s (on the Ground)
08h02m00s (on the Ground)
08h00m15s (on the Ground)
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07h59m59s (on the Ground)
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07h59m40s (on the Ground)
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07h59m06s (on the Ground)
07h53m57s (on the Ground)
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07h41m56s (on the Ground)
07h36m38s (on the Ground)
07h34m23s (on the Ground)
07h23m11s (on the Ground)
07h17m49s (on the Ground)
07h11m01s (on the Ground)
06h59m41s (on the Ground)
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06h19m50s (on the Ground)
06h13m51s (on the Ground)
06h13m41s (on the Ground)
05h55m15s (on the Ground)
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05h39m37s (on the Ground)
05h24m41s (on the Ground)
05h21m56s (on the Ground)
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05h15m08s (on the Ground)
05h04m24s (on the Ground)
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05h00m12s (on the Ground)
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04h59m45s (on the Ground)
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04h43m36s (on the Ground)
04h42m18s (on the Ground)
04h38m19s (on the Ground)
04h35m37s (on the Ground)
04h32m56s (on the Ground)
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04h29m20s (on the Ground)
04h28m39s (on the Ground)
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04h24m11s (on the Ground)
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04h19m36s (on the Ground)
04h19m30s (on the Ground)
04h19m30s (on the Ground)
04h09m58s (on the Ground)
04h05m59s (on the Ground)
04h04m34s (on the Ground)
04h03m03s (on the Ground)
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04h00m31s (on the Ground)
04h00m28s (on the Ground)
04h00m23s (on the Ground)
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04h00m21s (on the Ground)
04h00m13s (on the Ground)
04h00m12s (on the Ground)
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03h59m38s (on the Ground)
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03h59m30s (on the Ground)
03h56m01s (on the Ground)
03h47m12s (on the Ground)
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03h44m38s (on the Ground)
03h41m25s (on the Ground)
03h41m08s (on the Ground)
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03h30m08s (on the Ground)
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03h20m05s (on the Ground)
03h19m26s (on the Ground)
03h19m23s (on the Ground)
03h17m05s (on the Ground)
03h15m00s (on the Ground)
03h13m56s (on the Ground)
03h13m39s (on the Ground)
03h09m35s (on the Ground)
03h05m05s (on the Ground)
03h02m09s (on the Ground)
03h01m52s (on the Ground)
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03h00m04s (on the Ground)
02h48m43s (on the Ground)
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02h40m03s (on the Ground)
02h39m37s (on the Ground)
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02h34m06s (on the Ground)
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02h27m04s (on the Ground)
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02h20m30s (on the Ground)
02h20m17s (on the Ground)
02h20m06s (on the Ground)
02h20m01s (on the Ground)
02h19m53s (on the Ground)
02h19m32s (on the Ground)
02h18m12s (on the Ground)
02h16m45s (on the Ground)
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02h15m04s (on the Ground)
02h15m02s (on the Ground)
02h14m27s (on the Ground)
02h13m18s (on the Ground)
02h13m17s (on the Ground)
02h13m06s (on the Ground)
02h11m04s (on the Ground)
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02h10m05s (on the Ground)
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02h10m03s (on the Ground)
02h09m57s (on the Ground)
02h09m56s (on the Ground)
02h07m43s (on the Ground)
02h05m17s (on the Ground)
02h04m43s (on the Ground)
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02h02m35s (on the Ground)
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02h00m11s (on the Ground)
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01h59m59s (on the Ground)
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01h56m28s (on the Ground)
01h54m58s (on the Ground)
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01h40m03s (on the Ground)
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01h40m00s (on the Ground)
01h39m56s (on the Ground)
01h37m56s (on the Ground)
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01h33m57s (on the Ground)
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01h31m37s (on the Ground)
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01h30m44s (on the Ground)
01h30m41s (on the Ground)
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01h30m08s (on the Ground)
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01h30m00s (on the Ground)
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01h20m12s (on the Ground)
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01h20m04s (on the Ground)
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01h19m56s (on the Ground)
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01h17m49s (on the Ground)
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01h15m32s (on the Ground)
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01h15m01s (on the Ground)
01h14m59s (on the Ground)
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01h14m51s (on the Ground)
01h13m29s (on the Ground)
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01h10m10s (on the Ground)
01h10m03s (on the Ground)
01h10m01s (on the Ground)
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01h09m59s (on the Ground)
01h07m45s (on the Ground)
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01h05m40s (on the Ground)
01h05m26s (on the Ground)
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01h05m10s (on the Ground)
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01h04m57s (on the Ground)
01h04m51s (on the Ground)
01h04m37s (on the Ground)
01h03m44s (on the Ground)
01h01m42s (on the Ground)
01h01m20s (on the Ground)
01h01m08s (on the Ground)
01h00m41s (on the Ground)
01h00m27s (on the Ground)
01h00m24s (on the Ground)
01h00m17s (on the Ground)
01h00m13s (on the Ground)
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01h00m03s (on the Ground)
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01h00m00s (on the Ground)
01h00m00s (on the Ground)
01h00m00s (on the Ground)
59m59s (on the Ground)
59m59s (on the Ground)
59m59s (on the Ground)
59m59s (on the Ground)
59m59s (on the Ground)
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55m03s (on the Ground)
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54m57s (on the Ground)
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50m13s (on the Ground)
50m13s (on the Ground)
50m13s (on the Ground)
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50m06s (on the Ground)
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50m01s (on the Ground)
50m00s (on the Ground)
50m00s (on the Ground)
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49m59s (on the Ground)
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49m56s (on the Ground)
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49m33s (on the Ground)
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45m04s (on the Ground)
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45m01s (on the Ground)
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45m00s (on the Ground)
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44m53s (on the Ground)
44m50s (on the Ground)
44m00s (on the Ground)
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40m51s (on the Ground)
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40m25s (on the Ground)
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40m09s (on the Ground)
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40m04s (on the Ground)
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40m01s (on the Ground)
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40m00s (on the Ground)
40m00s (on the Ground)
40m00s (on the Ground)
39m59s (on the Ground)
39m59s (on the Ground)
39m59s (on the Ground)
39m58s (on the Ground)
39m58s (on the Ground)
39m58s (on the Ground)
39m58s (on the Ground)
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39m56s (on the Ground)
39m55s (on the Ground)
39m55s (on the Ground)
39m54s (on the Ground)
39m49s (on the Ground)
39m43s (on the Ground)
39m42s (on the Ground)
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35m08s (on the Ground)
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35m06s (on the Ground)
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35m01s (on the Ground)
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34m59s (on the Ground)
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34m54s (on the Ground)
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31m18s (on the Ground)
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30m22s (on the Ground)
30m21s (on the Ground)
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30m11s (on the Ground)
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30m06s (on the Ground)
30m06s (on the Ground)
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30m05s (on the Ground)
30m05s (on the Ground)
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30m04s (on the Ground)
30m04s (on the Ground)
30m04s (on the Ground)
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30m03s (on the Ground)
30m03s (on the Ground)
30m03s (on the Ground)
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30m02s (on the Ground)
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30m01s (on the Ground)
30m01s (on the Ground)
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30m00s (on the Ground)
30m00s (on the Ground)
30m00s (on the Ground)
30m00s (on the Ground)
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29m59s (on the Ground)
29m59s (on the Ground)
29m59s (on the Ground)
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29m58s (on the Ground)
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29m56s (on the Ground)
29m56s (on the Ground)
29m54s (on the Ground)
29m54s (on the Ground)
29m52s (on the Ground)
29m52s (on the Ground)
29m52s (on the Ground)
29m51s (on the Ground)
29m47s (on the Ground)
29m43s (on the Ground)
29m37s (on the Ground)
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27m32s (on the Ground)
26m12s (on the Ground)
25m24s (on the Ground)
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25m18s (on the Ground)
25m10s (on the Ground)
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25m07s (on the Ground)
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25m00s (on the Ground)
25m00s (on the Ground)
25m00s (on the Ground)
25m00s (on the Ground)
25m00s (on the Ground)
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24m59s (on the Ground)
24m59s (on the Ground)
24m58s (on the Ground)
24m58s (on the Ground)
24m58s (on the Ground)
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24m57s (on the Ground)
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24m54s (on the Ground)
24m49s (on the Ground)
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24m26s (on the Ground)
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22m59s (on the Ground)
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20m26s (on the Ground)
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20m23s (on the Ground)
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20m08s (on the Ground)
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20m06s (on the Ground)
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20m05s (on the Ground)
20m05s (on the Ground)
20m05s (on the Ground)
20m05s (on the Ground)
20m03s (on the Ground)
20m03s (on the Ground)
20m03s (on the Ground)
20m03s (on the Ground)
20m03s (on the Ground)
20m02s (on the Ground)
20m02s (on the Ground)
20m02s (on the Ground)
20m02s (on the Ground)
20m02s (on the Ground)
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20m01s (on the Ground)
20m01s (on the Ground)
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20m00s (on the Ground)
20m00s (on the Ground)
20m00s (on the Ground)
20m00s (on the Ground)
20m00s (on the Ground)
19m58s (on the Ground)
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19m57s (on the Ground)
19m57s (on the Ground)
19m56s (on the Ground)
19m55s (on the Ground)
19m55s (on the Ground)
19m54s (on the Ground)
19m52s (on the Ground)
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19m43s (on the Ground)
19m41s (on the Ground)
19m38s (on the Ground)
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19m30s (on the Ground)
19m29s (on the Ground)
19m01s (on the Ground)
18m53s (on the Ground)
17m21s (on the Ground)
16m14s (on the Ground)
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15m14s (on the Ground)
15m11s (on the Ground)
15m11s (on the Ground)
15m11s (on the Ground)
15m10s (on the Ground)
15m09s (on the Ground)
15m09s (on the Ground)
15m09s (on the Ground)
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15m04s (on the Ground)
15m02s (on the Ground)
15m01s (on the Ground)
15m01s (on the Ground)
15m01s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
15m00s (on the Ground)
14m59s (on the Ground)
14m59s (on the Ground)
14m59s (on the Ground)
14m59s (on the Ground)
14m59s (on the Ground)
14m58s (on the Ground)
14m58s (on the Ground)
14m58s (on the Ground)
14m57s (on the Ground)
14m57s (on the Ground)
14m55s (on the Ground)
14m54s (on the Ground)
14m53s (on the Ground)
14m52s (on the Ground)
14m52s (on the Ground)
14m52s (on the Ground)
14m51s (on the Ground)
14m50s (on the Ground)
14m50s (on the Ground)
14m35s (on the Ground)
14m27s (on the Ground)
14m01s (on the Ground)
13m14s (on the Ground)
12m23s (on the Ground)
11m31s (on the Ground)
11m22s (on the Ground)
10m40s (on the Ground)
10m29s (on the Ground)
10m28s (on the Ground)
10m26s (on the Ground)
10m25s (on the Ground)
10m25s (on the Ground)
10m24s (on the Ground)
10m24s (on the Ground)
10m21s (on the Ground)
10m21s (on the Ground)
10m21s (on the Ground)
10m18s (on the Ground)
10m17s (on the Ground)
10m15s (on the Ground)
10m14s (on the Ground)
10m13s (on the Ground)
10m11s (on the Ground)
10m10s (on the Ground)
10m09s (on the Ground)
10m09s (on the Ground)
10m09s (on the Ground)
10m09s (on the Ground)
10m09s (on the Ground)
10m07s (on the Ground)
10m07s (on the Ground)
10m06s (on the Ground)
10m06s (on the Ground)
10m05s (on the Ground)
10m05s (on the Ground)
10m05s (on the Ground)
10m05s (on the Ground)
10m05s (on the Ground)
10m04s (on the Ground)
10m04s (on the Ground)
10m04s (on the Ground)
10m04s (on the Ground)
10m03s (on the Ground)
10m03s (on the Ground)
10m03s (on the Ground)
10m03s (on the Ground)
10m02s (on the Ground)
10m02s (on the Ground)
10m02s (on the Ground)
10m02s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m01s (on the Ground)
10m00s (on the Ground)
10m00s (on the Ground)
10m00s (on the Ground)
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10m00s (on the Ground)
10m00s (on the Ground)
10m00s (on the Ground)
10m00s (on the Ground)
10m00s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
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09m59s (on the Ground)
09m59s (on the Ground)
09m58s (on the Ground)
09m58s (on the Ground)
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09m58s (on the Ground)
09m58s (on the Ground)
09m58s (on the Ground)
09m58s (on the Ground)
09m58s (on the Ground)
09m57s (on the Ground)
09m57s (on the Ground)
09m57s (on the Ground)
09m57s (on the Ground)
09m56s (on the Ground)
09m56s (on the Ground)
09m56s (on the Ground)
09m55s (on the Ground)
09m55s (on the Ground)
09m55s (on the Ground)
09m55s (on the Ground)
09m54s (on the Ground)
09m52s (on the Ground)
09m50s (on the Ground)
09m49s (on the Ground)
09m48s (on the Ground)
09m48s (on the Ground)
09m47s (on the Ground)
09m35s (on the Ground)
08m58s (on the Ground)
06m18s (on the Ground)
06m10s (on the Ground)
06m09s (on the Ground)
05m36s (on the Ground)
05m21s (on the Ground)
05m19s (on the Ground)
05m15s (on the Ground)
05m12s (on the Ground)
05m12s (on the Ground)
05m12s (on the Ground)
05m11s (on the Ground)
05m11s (on the Ground)
05m11s (on the Ground)
05m10s (on the Ground)
05m10s (on the Ground)
05m08s (on the Ground)
05m07s (on the Ground)
05m07s (on the Ground)
05m06s (on the Ground)
05m06s (on the Ground)
05m06s (on the Ground)
05m06s (on the Ground)
05m06s (on the Ground)
05m05s (on the Ground)
05m05s (on the Ground)
05m05s (on the Ground)
05m05s (on the Ground)
05m04s (on the Ground)
05m04s (on the Ground)
05m04s (on the Ground)
05m04s (on the Ground)
05m04s (on the Ground)
05m03s (on the Ground)
05m03s (on the Ground)
05m03s (on the Ground)
05m03s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m02s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m01s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
05m00s (on the Ground)
04m59s (on the Ground)
04m59s (on the Ground)
04m59s (on the Ground)
04m59s (on the Ground)
04m59s (on the Ground)
04m59s (on the Ground)
04m59s (on the Ground)
04m58s (on the Ground)
04m58s (on the Ground)
04m58s (on the Ground)
04m57s (on the Ground)
04m57s (on the Ground)
04m56s (on the Ground)
04m56s (on the Ground)
04m56s (on the Ground)
04m55s (on the Ground)
04m54s (on the Ground)
04m54s (on the Ground)
04m54s (on the Ground)
04m53s (on the Ground)
04m53s (on the Ground)
04m53s (on the Ground)
04m53s (on the Ground)
04m51s (on the Ground)
04m51s (on the Ground)
04m50s (on the Ground)
04m49s (on the Ground)
04m29s (on the Ground)
04m15s (on the Ground)
04m13s (on the Ground)
03m20s (on the Ground)
02m39s (on the Ground)
02m32s (on the Ground)
02m15s (on the Ground)
02m12s (on the Ground)
01m38s (on the Ground)
01m33s (on the Ground)
01m29s (on the Ground)
01m12s (on the Ground)
01m11s (on the Ground)
01m08s (on the Ground)

Total Flight Time
2417h20m42s (43%)
Total on the Ground
3149h35m29s (57%)

気流のコア 1
09m25s (+0,4 m/s)
気流のコア 2
00m32s (+-0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 3
06m22s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 4
04m07s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 5
05m25s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 6
00m58s (+-0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 7
03m03s (+-0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 8
02m11s (+0,2 m/s)
気流のコア 9
01m41s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 10
32m53s (+0,2 m/s)
気流のコア 11
13m16s (+2,5 m/s)
気流のコア 12
04m27s (+2,6 m/s)
気流のコア 13
00m33s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 14
10m08s (+1,4 m/s)
気流のコア 15
01m43s (+1,1 m/s)
気流のコア 16
02m46s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 17
08m30s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 18
03m10s (+1,5 m/s)
気流のコア 19
00m46s (+0,9 m/s)
気流のコア 20
02m45s (+1,6 m/s)
気流のコア 21
03m16s (+3,1 m/s)
気流のコア 22
07m35s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 23
01m05s (+1,1 m/s)
気流のコア 24
01m16s (+-0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 25
07m22s (+1,1 m/s)
気流のコア 26
04m42s (+0,7 m/s)
気流のコア 27
08m36s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 28
04m46s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 29
20m01s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 30
00m54s (+-0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 31
11m33s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 32
04m17s (+0,9 m/s)
気流のコア 33
02m26s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 34
00m37s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 35
04m37s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 36
07m43s (+1,2 m/s)
気流のコア 37
01m17s (+0,4 m/s)
気流のコア 38
02m03s (+0,5 m/s)
気流のコア 39
02m33s (+0,2 m/s)
気流のコア 40
03m24s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 41
07m39s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 42
00m51s (+0,4 m/s)
気流のコア 43
05m37s (+0,9 m/s)
気流のコア 44
05m38s (+1,3 m/s)
気流のコア 45
01m57s (+0,9 m/s)
気流のコア 46
00m21s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 47
10m22s (+1,7 m/s)
気流のコア 48
02m31s (+0,4 m/s)
気流のコア 49
02m42s (+0,6 m/s)
気流のコア 50
50m41s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 51
49m59s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 52
20m16s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 53
40m20s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 54
12m28s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 55
48m38s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 56
41m17s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 57
19m54s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 58
11m45s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 59
10m23s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 60
13m04s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 61
00m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 62
52m18s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 63
11m50s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 64
40m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 65
20m20s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 66
56m20s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 67
36m50s (+-0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 68
07m25s (+0,9 m/s)
気流のコア 69
00m58s (+1,1 m/s)
気流のコア 70
02m25s (+1,1 m/s)
気流のコア 71
01m03s (+1,3 m/s)
気流のコア 72
50m02s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 73
01m02s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 74
45m06s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 75
23m54s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 76
53m44s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 77
06m29s (+0,8 m/s)
気流のコア 78
02m56s (+2,3 m/s)
気流のコア 79
01m10s (+-0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 80
03m44s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 81
03m13s (+0,7 m/s)
気流のコア 82
02m16s (+2,1 m/s)
気流のコア 83
02m08s (+1,3 m/s)
気流のコア 84
01m42s (+0,4 m/s)
気流のコア 85
01m46s (+-0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 86
05m16s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 87
02m37s (+0,2 m/s)
気流のコア 88
07m30s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 89
02m13s (+1,0 m/s)
気流のコア 90
09m41s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 91
10m37s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 92
03m25s (+1,8 m/s)
気流のコア 93
00m50s (+1,3 m/s)
気流のコア 94
01m30s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 95
03m50s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 96
02m32s (+1,2 m/s)
気流のコア 97
01m17s (+1,5 m/s)
気流のコア 98
05m40s (+0,4 m/s)
気流のコア 99
51m40s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 100
58m39s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 101
50m16s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 102
00m34s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 103
48m37s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 104
50m01s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 105
58m51s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 106
26m14s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 107
30m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 108
50m01s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 109
01m48s (+0,2 m/s)
気流のコア 110
04m34s (+0,8 m/s)
気流のコア 111
01m00s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 112
04m54s (+0,9 m/s)
気流のコア 113
00m22s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 114
04m13s (+0,5 m/s)
気流のコア 115
02m42s (+0,5 m/s)
気流のコア 116
12m41s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 117
59m58s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 118
07m49s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 119
21m53s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 120
16m58s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 121
38m51s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 122
20m19s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 123
20m12s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 124
30m17s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 125
56m27s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 126
30m06s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 127
09m58s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 128
14m50s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 129
20m20s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 130
57m33s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 131
19m57s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 132
44m52s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 133
39m07s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 134
39m51s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 135
16m48s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 136
33m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 137
34m18s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 138
40m50s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 139
24m55s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 140
18m05s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 141
17m33s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 142
26m26s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 143
10m21s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 144
10m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 145
07m11s (+1,3 m/s)
気流のコア 146
04m39s (+0,2 m/s)
気流のコア 147
01m26s (+0,4 m/s)
気流のコア 148
14m30s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 149
06m27s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 150
10m16s (+0,3 m/s)
気流のコア 151
04m49s (+0,2 m/s)
気流のコア 152
10m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 153
05m06s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 154
10m12s (+0,1 m/s)
気流のコア 155
15m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 156
20m15s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 157
27m54s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 158
10m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 159
05m00s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 160
19m59s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 161
20m17s (+-0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 162
55m16s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 163
46m57s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 164
10m26s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 165
20m17s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 166
58m10s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 167
12m24s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 168
25m59s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 169
25m22s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 170
45m43s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 171
49m22s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 172
39m05s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 173
30m23s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 174
29m58s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 175
34m38s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 176
41m28s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 177
20m32s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 178
52m59s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 179
36m06s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 180
23m49s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 181
51m52s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 182
59m38s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 183
46m31s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 184
51m25s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 185
02m13s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 186
43m31s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 187
33m37s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 188
10m22s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 189
20m44s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 190
32m54s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 191
58m23s (+0,0 m/s)
気流のコア 192
39m18s (+0,0 m/s)

0,96 km/h
137,61 km/h

90 531 m

500 m
+2 m
500 m
+2 m
500 m
+2 m
500 m
+2 m
500 m
+2 m

--90 899 m

500 m
-1 m
500 m
-1 m
500 m
-1 m
500 m
-1 m
500 m
-1 m

-245 m
3 035 m
90 531 m
-90 899 m

0,96 km/h
137,61 km/h

0,96 km/h


0,96 km/h
186,3 km
ø 7,3 km/h
△ FAIトライアングル距離
55,9 pts
△ FAIトライアングルスコア
146,05 pts
▽ トライアングルXC
24,3 km
◬ トライアングル
146,7 km
ø 3,0 km/h
⟷ 自由距離
99,2 km
ø 4,3 km/h
⤞ オープン距離
6 680,28 km
3 035 m
3,1 m/s
137,61 km/h
90 531 m

よろしくお願いします。SportsTrackLiveを改善できるのはあなたのおかげです。 開発と計算のコストは増加しており、このすべてのデータを提供するためのリソースが必要です。 SportsTrackLiveは、スポーツ活動を追跡するための独立したツールです。 信頼性の高い無料のツールを提供することで、できるだけ多くのアスリートを集めるために全力を尽くしています。


総距離 6 680,28 km
分割距離 2 048,61 km
⤞ オープン距離 99,2 km ø 4,3 km/h
⟷ 自由距離 146,7 km ø 3,0 km/h
◬ トライアングル 24,3 km
△ FAIトライアングル距離 186,3 km ø 7,3 km/h
△ FAIトライアングルスコア 55,9 pts
▽ トライアングルXC 146,05 pts
最小高度 -245 m
最大高度 3 035 m
飛行の段階で得られた最大高度 1424 m
飛行の段階で失われた最大高度 -1432 m
上昇 90 531 m
降下 -90 899 m
平均速度 0,96 km/h
最高速度 137,61 km/h
最大上昇率 3,1 m/s
最大落下率 -14,4 m/s
上昇気流に入った時間 13h57m
時計回り率 58,7 %
反時計回り率 41,3 %
上昇気流の回転数 2785
識別可能な上昇気流数 192
転移時間 00h35m
1,000〜1,500mの時間 00h02m